
Immune cells surveil intestine to prevent infections

As essential as food is for the body to work, its movement through the intestine poses an infection risk. A single layer of cells is tasked with a big responsibility: to keep harmful bacteria out while also maintaining friendly ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New weapon in fight against antibiotic resistance discovered

Scientists at St. Boniface Hospital Albrechtsen Research Centre and the University of Manitoba have developed a drug that combats 2 of the top 10 "priority pathogens" recently defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

An unbalanced microbiome on the face may be key to acne development

Today at the Microbiology Society's Annual Conference, researchers will show that the overall balance of the bacteria on a person's skin, rather than the presence or absence of a particular bacterial strain, appears to be ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New research describes how bacteria resists 'last-resort' antibiotic

An international research team, led by the University of Bristol, has provided the first clues to understand how the mcr-1 gene protects bacteria from colistin - a 'last resort' antibiotic used to treat life-threatening bacterial ...

Medical research

Antimicrobial found to calm inflamed gut in mice

(Medical Xpress)—A team of researchers with the University of California has found that introducing a type of antimicrobial protein called a microcin into the guts of mice with inflamed bowels caused a reduction in the ...


Breast milk sugar may protect babies against deadly infection

A type of sugar found naturally in some women's breast milk may protect new born babies from infection with a potentially life threatening bacterium called Group B streptococcus, according to a new study from Imperial College ...

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