Medical research

Testing therapies on mini-tumors of head and neck cancer

Head and neck cancer is an aggressive type of cancer that often grows back, despite patients undergoing harsh treatments. Researchers of the Hubrecht Institute (KNAW) and UMC Utrecht succeeded in growing mini-tumors (or organoids) ...

Oncology & Cancer

Metformin linked to lower risk of head, neck cancer

(HealthDay)—Metformin is associated with a lower risk of developing head and neck cancer in patients with diabetes, according to a study published in the September issue of Head & Neck.

Oncology & Cancer

DNA shed from head and neck tumors detected in blood and saliva

On the hunt for better cancer screening tests, Johns Hopkins scientists led a proof of principle study that successfully identified tumor DNA shed into the blood and saliva of 93 patients with head and neck cancer. A report ...

Oncology & Cancer

Pembrolizumab shows real promise against head and neck cancer

Immunotherapy with the anti-PD-1 antibody pembrolizumab (Keytruda) was effective in one out of four patients with recurrent or metastatic head and neck cancer, according to results presented at the 2015 meeting of the American ...

Oncology & Cancer

Pactamycin analogs offer new, gentler approach to cancer treatment

Researchers at Oregon State University are pursuing a new concept in treatment of epithelial cancer, especially head and neck cancer, by using two promising "analogs" of an old compound that was once studied as a potent anti-tumor ...

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