Oncology & Cancer

A promising breath-test for cancer

The global quest to use a person's breath analysis for rapid, inexpensive and accurate early-stage testing for cancer and other diseases has taken a leap forward.

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Reasons for football injuries

If professional footballers are out of action due to injuries, this can have serious consequences for the club. However, in order to avoid injuries, it is important to know how exactly and in which situations these injuries ...

Medical research

Blood marker may reduce cancer burden

Researchers at Flinders University are expanding work on a promising blood test model to help predict or diagnose head and neck cancer, a difficult cancer to pick up early and treat.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Cycling among top causes of concussion

This is a big summer for people to take their holiday in Norway. There are peaks to be climbed, rivers to be paddled and dreams to be fulfilled. For some vacationers, holidays might also include bone fractures, falls and ...

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