Psychology & Psychiatry

Downward head tilt can make people seem more dominant

We often look to people's faces for signs of how they're thinking or feeling, trying to gauge whether their eyes are narrowed or widened, whether the mouth is turned up or down. But findings published in the June 2019 issue ...


Concussion symptoms reversed by magnetic therapy

Concussion symptoms—such as loss of balance, hazy comprehension, sleep disturbance and ability to walk straight—can be reversed by a new type of magnetic stimulation, research at the University of Saskatchewan (USask) ...


3-D images reveal how infants' heads change shape during birth

Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), scientists have captured 3-D images that show how infants' brains and skulls change shape as they move through the birth canal just before delivery. Olivier Ami of Auvergne University ...


Canada's west coast surf culture downplays concussion risk

Nikolaus Dean suffered a debilitating concussion playing varsity lacrosse during his first year of university. His post-concussion symptoms persisted for a year before doctors cleared him to return to the sport he loved. ...

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