Psychology & Psychiatry

Word order predicts a native speakers' working memory

Several studies have investigated how humans store and retrieve memories under different conditions. Typically, stimuli presented at the beginning and at the end of a list are recalled better than stimuli from the middle. ...


Damaged nerve behind athletes' post-concussion issues

Many professional athletes who have sustained head trauma in sports have lingering symptoms that affect everyday life, including depression, dizziness, difficulty focusing the gaze and balance problems. Little help has been ...


Zebrafish brain repair following concussion

A simple and inexpensive zebrafish model of concussion, reported in eNeuro, reveals the genetic pathways underlying the animal's remarkable ability to regenerate injured brain tissue. Understanding the mechanisms of regeneration ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Study: Computers can be a real pain in the neck

It's a posture so common we almost don't notice it anymore: someone sitting at a computer jutting his or her head forward to look more closely at the screen. But this seemingly harmless position compresses the neck and can ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Preventing the long-term effects of traumatic brain injury

You've been in a car accident and sustained a head injury. You recovered, but years later you begin having difficulty sleeping. You also become very sensitive to noise and bright lights, and find it hard to carry out your ...

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