Medical economics

Unemployed workers less likely to be uninsured post-ACA

(HealthDay)—Following implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), unemployed workers were less likely to be uninsured, and uninsurance rates decreased more in states with Medicaid expansion, according to a report from ...


Study finds 'far-reaching' impact from Affordable Care Act

By 2008, when President Obama was first elected, the rate of uninsurance in the U.S. had been steadily deteriorating: nearly 56 million Americans reported they had no health insurance for at least part of the prior year. ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

When caregivers need care

People who regularly care for or assist a family member or friend with a health problem or disability are more likely to neglect their own health, particularly by not having insurance or putting off necessary health services ...

Oncology & Cancer

Decline in late stage cancer diagnoses after health reform law

Advanced stage cancer diagnoses declined following health insurance expansion in Massachusetts, likely due to increased access to screening and diagnostic services that identified cancers earlier, according to new research ...


Study links Medicaid expansion and recipients' health status

In Southern states that expanded their Medicaid programs under the Affordable Care Act, adults experienced lower rates of decline in both physical and mental health, according to research published this month in the journal ...

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