
Senior adults can see health benefits from dog ownership

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults of all ages should engage in 150 or more minutes of moderate physical activity per week. Among adults 60 years of age or more, walking is the most common ...


Household catastrophic health expenditure and impoverishment

Today at the 45th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of the American Association for Dental Research, researcher Eduardo Bernabé, King's College London Dental Institute, England, UK, will present a study titled "Household Catastrophic ...


Health care system of the future modelled

What will our health care system look like in the future? The MEDPRO project of the Austrian Science Fund FWF seeks to deliver answers to this pertinent question. The project is analysing the interrelationship between medical ...

Overweight & Obesity

Severe obesity costs Medicaid $8 billion annually and rising

Nearly 11 percent or $8 billion of the cost to treat severe obesity was paid for by Medicaid in 2013, ranging from a low of $5 million in Wyoming to $1.3 billion in California. Research led by Y. Claire Wang, ScD, associate ...

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