Medical research

Intestinal gas could be used to diagnose diseases

Microbes in the human body are estimated to outnumber human cells by 10 to 1, yet research on how they affect health is still in its infancy. A perspective article published by Cell Press on March 12th in Trends in Biotechnology ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Telemedicine brings Parkinson's care to 'anyone, anywhere'

A new study shows that a neurologist in an office thousands of miles away can deliver effective specialized care to people with Parkinson's disease. For individuals with the condition – many of whom have never seen a specialist ...


Senior adults can see health benefits from dog ownership

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults of all ages should engage in 150 or more minutes of moderate physical activity per week. Among adults 60 years of age or more, walking is the most common ...

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