
Is US health-care reform on track for 2014?

(HealthDay)—At the heart of President Barack Obama's sweeping yet controversial health-reform law is the largest expansion of health insurance in decades, and it's set to take effect on Jan. 1, 2014. But some observers ...


US top court wrestles with final health law hearings

Supreme Court justices battled Wednesday over the fate of US President Barack Obama's health care reforms, with liberals fighting to salvage the rest of the law if a key provision is declared unconstitutional.


Feds rule on health care law's Medicaid expansion

(AP)—The Obama administration says Republican-led states must commit to fully expanding their Medicaid programs to take advantage of generous funding in the federal health care law.


Obama health law missed 2015 enrollment target

Last year's final enrollment numbers under President Barack Obama's health care law fell just short of a target the administration had set, the government reported Friday.


'Obamacare'—saga of legal and political challenges

Upheld again by the US Supreme Court on Thursday, President Barack Obama's landmark health care law has survived numerous political and legal challenges since it was passed by Congress more than five years ago.


Drug and device firms paid $6.5B to care providers

From research dollars to free lunches and junkets, drug and medical device companies paid doctors and leading hospitals nearly $6.5 billion last year, according to government data posted Tuesday.

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