
A middle road for Medicaid expansion?

With the political divide over health care reform still strong going into this year's elections, a new analysis of state-level decisions shows signs of an emerging middle way toward reducing the ranks of the uninsured.


Health law legacy eludes Obama as changes sink in

President Barack Obama's health care law has indeed managed to change the U.S., but major elements of his signature domestic achievement face an uncertain future as a roller-coaster enrollment period winds down.


'Obamacare' sign-ups top six million

More than six million Americans had registered for health insurance under US President Barack Obama's reform by Thursday, fewer than initially hoped but in line with revised projections.


Cost of health care a burden for most US households

Since 2001, health care costs have become more burdensome for almost all Americans, at every income level and in every geographic area, finds a new study published in The Milbank Quarterly.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Personality may be key risk factor in preventive health care

When it comes to helping young adults avoid serious health problems later in life, assessing their personalities during routine medical exams could prove as useful as recording their family medical histories and smoking habits, ...

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