
Caregiver phone support ups use of community resources

(HealthDay)—A telephone-delivered psychosocial intervention for dementia caregivers increases use of community resources and reduces caregiver use of hospital-based health care resources, according to a study published ...


An eye on young specialists' success

Graduates from several medical and surgical specialties are having difficulty securing practice opportunities, especially in specialties dependent upon limited resources, according to new research from Queen's ophthalmologist ...

Oncology & Cancer

New tool for cancer patients measures the stress of expenses

For many patients, the uncertainty and stress that can come with cancer treatment is compounded by what is now known as "financial toxicity," the anxiety and distress that follow health care and medication expenses, often ...


Expand HPV vaccination programs in Canada to include males

Expanding human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination programs to include males in Canada will help protect them against HPV-related cancers, according to an analysis published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal).

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