Oncology & Cancer

Why are young people getting cancer?

Stacy Hernandez was 23 when she was told she had uterine cancer. She couldn't believe it. Not only did she have cancer, but one that had an average diagnosis age of 60 years old.


Poor access to essential surgery is costing lives, says study

Inadequate access to simple elective surgery in developing countries is storing up future health problems for patients and may create a spiral of future health complications putting more people's lives at risk, a new study ...


AI can help improve ER admission decisions, study finds

Generative artificial intelligence (AI), such as GPT-4, can help predict whether an emergency room patient needs to be admitted to the hospital even with only minimal training on a limited number of records, according to ...

Attention deficit disorders

Study promotes digital help for adults with ADHD

Digital health experts at Flinders University are developing a mobile self-monitoring app model to assist adults with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) take a more pro-active role in their "wellness journey."

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