Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Infected cantaloupes have killed 18 in US

Eighteen people have died and 100 people have fallen ill since late July in the United States from eating cantaloupes infected with listeria, health authorities said Tuesday.


Haiti to test cholera vaccine

Haiti's health ministry is preparing to test a cholera vaccine on a hundred people, a year after an epidemic killed over 6,500 people, officials said Wednesday.


Young risk-Takers drawn to dangerous 'Choking game'

(HealthDay) -- In a new study, about 6 percent of eighth graders admitted they had participated in the "choking game," in which blood and oxygen to the brain are cut off with a rope or belt to produce a euphoric "high."

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Improving emergency care for people living with dementia

A new collection of research papers from Northwestern University and collaborating institutions sets out priority areas to provide better emergency care for people living with dementia in the United States.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

US says Legionnaires cases triple over decade

(AP) -- Cases of Legionnaires' disease have tripled in the last decade, U.S. health officials said Thursday, but the risk of dying from it is lower because of more effective treatment.

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