Oncology & Cancer

Panel: Boys should get HPV vaccine given to girls

(AP) -- A vaccine against cervical cancer hasn't been all that popular for girls. It may be even a harder sell for boys now that it's been recommended for them too.


Could ultra-processed foods be associated with your insomnia?

Ultra-processed foods (UPF) may be associated with insomnia experienced by an estimated one-third of adults. An analysis of dietary and sleep patterns reported in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, shows ...

Medical economics

Online patient portal usage increasing, study shows

More people are using online patient portals to view their information while in the emergency room, but access is challenging for members of medically underserved communities and the elderly, UT Southwestern Medical Center ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Cultivating spirituality can lower blood pressure

People with high blood pressure saw their systolic blood pressure drop by 7 mmHg, on average, and experienced improvements in other markers of blood vessel health after receiving daily smartphone messages designed to cultivate ...

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