Psychology & Psychiatry

How 'weight bias' is harming us all

People who live in large bodies find themselves the target of fat-phobic and body shaming messages on a daily basis.


Approach that new gene testing kit with caution

(HealthDay)—Lots of Americans will unwrap a scarf or sweater this holiday season. But a growing number will receive a gift that's potentially life-changing: an at-home genetic testing kit.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Patient-carer relationships disrupted by hospital reorganisation

Research from King's College London suggests that reorganisation of mental health services can have a negative effect on the health of people with severe mental illness, due to the disruption of relationships between patients ...


Multivitamins and supplements: To take or not to take?

"People ask me this question quite often: 'Should I be taking certain vitamins and supplements?' And the answer is, quite honestly, 'It depends,'" says Anne Harguth, registered dietitian at Mayo Clinic Health System.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New study finds that aging can make it more difficult to swallow

As adults age, they all experience a natural loss of muscle mass and function. A new study finds that as the loss of muscle and function in the throat occurs it becomes more difficult for efficient constriction to occur while ...

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