
NCHS: Insurance coverage expands, gaps remain

(HealthDay)—Two new U.S. government reports provide a statistical snapshot of health and health insurance coverage in 2013, before new coverage options took effect under the Affordable Care Act.


A middle road for Medicaid expansion?

With the political divide over health care reform still strong going into this year's elections, a new analysis of state-level decisions shows signs of an emerging middle way toward reducing the ranks of the uninsured.


Health law sign-ups on track to hit 7M

Jammed phone lines and unreliable websites failed to stop a last-minute rush by hundreds of thousands of Americans trying to sign up for health coverage by the midnight Monday deadline for President Barack Obama's signature ...


Health care site down for hours on deadline day

The troubled U.S. government web site for signing up for health insurance was unavailable for several hours Monday morning as the midnight deadline for buying coverage loomed.


Health overhaul signup ends, survives for now

Monday marks the end of the six-month sign-up period for insurance under President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, a highly controversial attempt to reduce the number of Americans without medical coverage, estimated ...


Health law legacy eludes Obama as changes sink in

President Barack Obama's health care law has indeed managed to change the U.S., but major elements of his signature domestic achievement face an uncertain future as a roller-coaster enrollment period winds down.


Cost of health care a burden for most US households

Since 2001, health care costs have become more burdensome for almost all Americans, at every income level and in every geographic area, finds a new study published in The Milbank Quarterly.


Time running out to sign up for Obamacare this year

(HealthDay)—Still thinking about signing up for insurance under the new U.S. health care law? You'd better act quickly because the enrollment deadline to obtain coverage this year is March 31.

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