
Young people after Obamacare: Some ER visits down, others way up

While emergency department visits for young adults ages 19 to 25 decreased slightly overall following the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), visits for mental illnesses in this age group increased "significantly," ...


Clinton takes on Big Pharma, lays out drug plan (Update)

Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton unveiled a plan Tuesday to limit prescription medicine costs, challenging the US pharmaceutical industry after the price for one drug skyrocketed by 5,000 percent.

Medical research

Precision medicine is 'personalized, problematic, and promising'

The rapidly emerging field of precision medicine is a "disruptive innovation" that offers the possibility of remarkably fine-tuned remedies to improve patient health while minimizing the risk of harmful side effects, says ...


Considerable potential savings with generic medicines

Substituting branded medications with drugs containing the same active ingredients (generics) can save considerable amounts of money. A study at the Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics and Intelligent Systems (CeMSIIS) ...


Gov't to overhaul Medicare payments to doctors, hospitals

Medicare will change the way it pays hospitals and doctors to reward quality over volume, the Obama administration said Monday, in a shift that officials hope will be a catalyst for the nation's $3 trillion health care system.


US ready to usher in 'Obamacare'

President Barack Obama's landmark health care reforms take effect on Wednesday, granting coverage to millions of previously uninsured Americans after nearly four years of bitter wrangling that has loomed large over the US ...


Help offered for people who miss Obamacare deadline

The US government Tuesday offered help for people who were unable to sign up for health insurance through the federal website by the deadline as part of the president's controversial health care reform legislation.

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