
Inadequate functional health literacy mars post-op recovery

(HealthDay)—For patients undergoing day surgery, inadequate functional health literacy (FHL) is associated with poorer postoperative recovery and lower health-related quality of life, according to a study published online ...


Making a case for health literacy

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates half of the adult population in the United States may have inadequate health literacy skills. The inability to understand and effectively use health information is ...


Poor health literacy a public health issue

America's poor record on health literacy is a public health issue, but one that can be fixed - not by logging onto the internet but by increased interaction with your fellow human beings, a Michigan State University researcher ...


Exceptional care requires patient-driven education

We've all been there: Sitting in a consultation with a doctor or nurse, jargon gets thrown around, time with the health-care provider is short and, soon after the conversation concludes, you forget half of what you were told. ...

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