
Why you resolved to get thinner and fitter this year

Did you make a New Year's resolution this year? If so, you are participating in a social as well as a personal ritual. The patterns of resolutions, considered collectively, reveal what many of us consider to be virtuous.


Convincing Chinese smokers to kick the habit—by text

Among smokers receiving a 12-week-long mobile phone-based intervention encouraging them to quit, up to 6.5% of participants stopped smoking by the end of the study, according to a research article published this week in the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The 'gamification' of health: What motivates you?

Think of a game you enjoy playing, any game at all. Now imagine your boss said you were required to play this game for an hour every day. Would you still find it as fun?


Parental concerns reduce uptake of child flu vaccine

The first study investigating parental attitudes towards the UK's child flu vaccine has found concerns about safety and side effects may negatively influence uptake, and recommends that public health messages need to be reinforced.

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