Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

French hospitals overwhelmed by flu epidemic

French hospitals are being stretched to their limits by a major flu epidemic sweeping the country, France's health authorities warn.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

First shipment of new Ebola vaccine arrives in DR Congo

The Congolese medical authorities said Saturday they had received the first shipment of a new Ebola vaccine as the central African country battles its second deadliest outbreak of the virus this decade.


Montenegro bans indoor smoking in public places

Smoking indoors in public places was banned from Wednesday in Montenegro, a major challenge in the tobacco-mad Balkan country with some of the highest smoking rates in Europe.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Indigenous Brazilians launch coronavirus tracing app

Indigenous and environmental organizations in Brazil launched an app on Friday aimed at alerting indigenous communities to the spread of the coronavirus pandemic in their lands.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Chad reports new cases of vaccine-derived polio

Dozens of polio cases have been detected in Chad just months after the UN declared the disease eradicated in Africa, but the government and World Health Organization said Friday that the infections were a vaccine-derived ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Senegal's coronavirus success divides experts

Senegal has been widely praised for its handling of the coronavirus pandemic, with few infections and life returning to normal, but the reason behind its success still divides experts.

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