
Is ayahuasca safe? New study tallies adverse events

There is a high rate of adverse physical effects and challenging psychological effects from using the plant-based psychoactive ayahuasca, though they are generally not severe, according to a new study by Daniel Perkins of ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Suffering in silence: The cost and impact of domestic violence

Scenario 1: You're an athlete. You get a blow to the head and collapse on the field. Medics rush in, examine you, get you to the hospital. It turns out you have a concussion. You are kept off the field until your injuries ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Three ways to become more resilient to failure

Failure may be an inevitable part of life, but that doesn't make it any less painful when it does happen. It can be be particularly hard facing setbacks in your 20s and 30s, since this is the first time many of us are experiencing ...

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