Medical research

Study debunks link between moderate drinking and longer life

Probably everyone has heard the conventional wisdom that a glass of wine a day is good for you—or you've heard some variation of it. The problem is that it's based on flawed scientific research, according to a new report ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Exploring consciousness with 'eureka' moments

For generations, researchers have been pondering the question of how and where consciousness is formed in the brain. Professor Ekrem Dere from Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, proposes a new approach to researching conscious ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

An over- or under-synchronized brain may predict psychosis

Is it possible to assess an individual's risk of psychosis? Identifying predictive markers is a key challenge in psychiatry. A team from the University of Geneva (UNIGE), part of the Synapsy Center for Neuroscience and Mental ...

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