Oncology & Cancer

Individual risk assessment ups mammography in women at high risk

(HealthDay)—Providing individualized breast cancer risk estimates as a component of primary health care is associated with an increased use of mammography among women of racial- and ethnic-minority groups who are at high ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

New transmission model for Ebola predicted Uganda cases

A new risk assessment model for the transmission of Ebola accurately predicted its spread into the Republic of Uganda, according to the Kansas State University researchers who developed it.


Smartphones: Are they just a pain in the neck?

A large majority of the world's 3.4 billion smartphone users are putting their necks at risk every time they send a text, according to new research involving the University of South Australia.


Commercial pesticides not as safe as they seem

Lack of information on the effects of all pesticide ingredients makes them appear safer than they are—potentially causing serious harm to people and the environment.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Replicating psychiatrists' expertise to prevent inpatient suicide

Climbing suicide rates over the past ten years have prompted three Joint Commission Sentinel Event Alerts—the most recent in February 2016 - urging health care organizations to step up screening and detection of those individuals ...


Some commercial coffees contain high levels of mycotoxins

An analysis of one hundred coffees sold in Spain has confirmed the presence of mycotoxins -toxic metabolites produced by fungi. In addition, five of the samples that were tested were found to contain ochratoxin A, the only ...

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