Psychology & Psychiatry

Study examines how Americans are coping with COVID-19 stress

Several months into the pandemic, most Americans are familiar with the physical toll COVID-19 takes on those who contract it. But what about the mental and emotional implications of stress caused by the pandemic itself?

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why people make healthy claims but indulge in unhealthy behaviors

The time period between Thanksgiving and Christmas is characterized by overindulgence. While we tell others that we are eating and drinking in moderation, controlling our spending, and exercising more, in reality, we do the ...


Levels of diabetes have tripled in 25 years

The proportion of adults with diagnosed diabetes trebled between 1994 and 2019, report researchers from UCL and the National Center for Social Research (NatCen), who have analyzed the latest results from the Health Survey ...

Overweight & Obesity

Avid appetite in childhood linked to later eating disorder symptoms

An enthusiastic response to food in early childhood may be linked to a higher likelihood of experiencing eating disorder symptoms in adolescence, according to a new study led by researchers at UCL and Erasmus University Rotterdam.

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