
In schizophrenia patients, auditory cues sound bigger problems

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine and the VA San Diego Healthcare System have found that deficiencies in the neural processing of simple auditory tones can evolve into a cascade of ...


Examining the value of online health checks for medical info

Research in the International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing introduces a new model aimed at assessing the credibility and relevance of online health care information. With the proliferation of online health ...

Autism spectrum disorders

Can we trust autism information on TikTok? Not always, says study

While social media can be a great resource for connecting with others, it can also quickly and easily spread misleading or inaccurate information in mass. Social media platforms, especially the popular TikTok app, have allowed ...


Why mothers and babies will suffer more as Africa grows hotter

As Africa gets hotter, mothers and babies are most at risk. Why is this and what can be done about it? Matthew Chersich, a specialist in climate change and maternal health, explains the reasons to health editor Nadine Dreyer.

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