
Binaural beats synchronize brain activity, don't affect mood

An auditory illusion thought to synchronize brain waves and alter mood is no more effective than other sounds, according to research in adults recently published in eNeuro. The effect reported in other studies might be a ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Depression linked to low sports activity

From a friendly game of soccer to sweating it solo in the gym, most of us know that exercise is good for our health. But beyond the obvious physical benefits, research led by UniSA expert in sports sociology Dr. Katja Siefken ...


Risk of heart disease later in life for premature babies

A new study led by researchers from the Royal Women's Hospital shows that young adults born extremely premature are susceptible to high blood pressure, putting them at higher risk of heart disease in later life.


Hearing through lip-reading

Brain activity synchronizes with sound waves, even without audible sound, through lip-reading, according to new research published in JNeurosci.


The link between drawing and seeing in the brain

Drawing an object and naming it engages the brain in similar ways, according to research recently published in JNeurosci. The finding demonstrates the importance of the visual processing system for producing drawings of an ...

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