
Do you know your cardiorespiratory fitness level?

You might know your blood pressure and cholesterol numbers, but do you know your cardiorespiratory fitness level? Experts at the American Heart Association think this number may be an even better gauge of heart health.


Health checks from age 40 avoid 'black hole'

Seeing a health professional for a full health screening—even when you feel healthy—from around age 40 enables people to make changes when problems first set in, experts say.


How much fat do you really need?

(HealthDay)—With all the attention that the very high-fat Keto diet is getting, you might be wondering how much fat is healthy and how much your body really needs every day to thrive.


Bariatric surgery can be safe and effective for adolescents

Pediatricians are often reluctant to recommend bariatric surgery for teen-agers, but a Rutgers-led study concludes it is a justifiable treatment for adolescents with persistent extreme obesity if they can maintain a healthy ...

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