
Healthy brain development is a human right, researcher argues

We know that the environment in which children and young adults are raised influences healthy brain development. Now, a psychologist at Yale is taking a stance against the negative effects of a particularly harrowing environment ...


How universities can help scale back the 'Freshman 15'

Students typically gain weight in their first year of university. There are expressions to reflect this knowledge, such as the "freshman 15" in North America (which assumes students gain 15 pounds, or around 8kg) and "freshman ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Poll: Many adults worried about developing dementia

(HealthDay)—Many adults are worried about developing dementia and about half report taking steps to maintain or improve memory, according to a report published by the National Poll on Healthy Aging.


If you're not sleeping at work, you should be fired

In days gone by, when our economy was dominated by agriculture and manufacturing, an employee's value was gauged by their inputs. If they slacked off by not placing a bumper on a car fast enough they were unproductive, and ...


New research identifies potential PTSD treatment improvement

Researchers may have found a way to improve a common treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by changing how the brain learns to respond less severely to fearful conditions, according to research published in ...

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