Biomedical technology

Q&A: What is the benefit of cochlear implants over hearing aids?

I'm 70 years old and have worn hearing aids for about a decade. Over the past several years, my hearing seems to be getting worse. Although I have tried several different kinds of hearing aids, I feel as if they are not effective ...


Mild hearing loss linked to brain atrophy in older adults

A new study by researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania shows that declines in hearing ability may accelerate gray mater atrophy in auditory areas of the brain and increase the listening ...


Clinic provides free hearing aids for low-income adults

Low-income people dealing with hearing loss just got a little hope. Doctors from Michigan Medicine's Department of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery partnered with the Hope Clinic to create Hope for Hearing, a program ...


Visual cues amplify sound

Looking at someone's lips is good for listening in noisy environments because it helps our brains amplify the sounds we're hearing in time with what we're seeing, finds a new UCL-led study.


Better hearing just an App away

(Medical Xpress) -- People with hearing problems living in the developing world may have a solution on the horizon, thanks to an innovative University of Alberta professor in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine.


Wearing hearing aid may help protect brain in later life

A new study has concluded that people who wear a hearing aid for age-related hearing problems maintain better brain function over time than those who do not. It builds on important research in recent years pulled together ...

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