
Poor sight causes people to overstep the mark

People with vision impairment are more cautious when stepping over obstacles when walking—but increase their risk of falls, according to a new study published in the journal Scientific Reports.


An effective integrated reproductive strategy for hearing loss

Hearing impairment is a major public health problem in the world, affecting over 5% of the world's population - 360 million people, including 328 million adults and 32 million children. Professor WANG Qiuju and her group ...


Fitness and frailty in adults linked to health outcomes

The prevalence of frailty, which is linked to earlier death, increases throughout adulthood as people age and not just after age 65, found an article in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal). Relatively good fitness ...


Music supports the auditory skills of hearing-impaired children

Researchers at University of Helsinki, Finland, and University College London have found evidence that children with hearing impairment and cochlear implants can benefit from hobbies involving music and especially singing. ...

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