Medical research

Dangerous arrhythmia analyzed in a heartbeat

Just one second, one heartbeat. That's what is needed for a new, noninvasive functional imaging technology to record data for locating the source in the heart of a dangerous cardiac arrhythmia called ventricular tachycardia ...


Genetic defects hold clues to risk for sudden cardiac death

Sudden cardiac death is always a shocking, tragic event, especially when it occurs at a young age. But, for the first time, scientists are unraveling how genetic defects can help predict the risk of dying suddenly in individuals ...

Medical research

New method to diagnose heart arrhythmias developed

(Medical Xpress) -- Abnormalities in cardiac conduction, the rate at which the heart conducts electrical impulses to contract and relax, are a major cause of death and disability around the world. Researchers at Columbia ...

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