
People of all ages should learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Basic life support training in schools and communities is essential to improve survival from cardiac arrest, according to European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Guidelines published online today in the European Heart Journal. ...


Similar outcomes in older patients with on- or off-pump bypass

Older patients did as well after undergoing coronary bypass surgery off-pump as they did with the more costly "on-pump" procedure using a heart-lung machine to circulate blood and oxygen through the body during surgery, according ...


Off-pump bypass better for high-risk patients

Bypass surgery done without a heart-lung machine, known as off-pump, may provide better post-operative outcomes than on-pump bypass surgery for high-risk patients, according to research presented today at the American College ...


Flu shot may aid heart bypass recovery

Getting a flu shot before heart bypass surgery can head off inflammation throughout the body and possibly lead to a healthier recovery, a new study suggests.

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