Arthritis & Rheumatism

Report: Musculoskeletal disorders costly for society

More money was spent on musculoskeletal disorders, such as osteoarthritis and back pain, than any other disease, condition or injury in Australia, suggests a new report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ...


Wine is safer than beer for minimizing risk of heart condition

Drinking less than six Australian-standard glasses of alcohol a week is associated with the lowest risk of developing atrial fibrillation, but not all alcohol is created equal, new research from the University of Adelaide ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Worrying about your heart increases risk for mental health disorders

For coffee drinkers, a common scenario might involve drinking an extra cup only to end up with a racing heart and a subtle reminder to themselves to cut down the caffeine. But for those who have a different thinking pattern, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

As pre-pandemic activities return, so does anxiety

Denise Santos remembers exactly how she felt when the first pandemic lockdown was ordered last year, knowing she'd no longer have to interact with the public, her co-workers or anybody outside the sanctuary of her home.

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