Obstetrics & gynaecology

For moms, oxygen during childbirth often unnecessary

Babies who suffer oxygen deficiencies during birth are at risk of brain damage that can lead to developmental delays, cerebral palsy and even death. To prevent this, most women in labor undergo continuous monitoring of the ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Using wearable activity trackers to distinguish COVID-19 from flu

By analyzing Fitbit data and self-reported symptoms, researchers from Evidation Health and collaborators analyzed trends in heart rate, step count, and symptom duration between patients with flu and those with COVID-19. While ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Virtual reality helps measure vulnerability to stress

We all react to stress in different ways. A sudden loud noise or flash of light can elicit different degrees of response from people, which indicates that some of us are more susceptible to the impact of stress than others.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Be mindful: Study shows mindfulness might not work as you expect

If dispositional mindfulness can teach us anything about how we react to stress, it might be an unexpected lesson on its ineffectiveness at managing stress as it's happening, according to new research from the University ...


How is the heartbeat regulated?

The heart can stably maintain blood flow—at rest or under stress—over a lifetime. Using a mouse model, an LMU team has now uncovered the role played by a specific class of ion channels in controlling the heart rate.


Study highlights potential targets for heart failure prevention

The prevalence of heart failure in the United States is a growing concern. A new study led by a Yale physician analyzes the variations in how often heart failure occurs in patients with risk factors such as hypertension, ...

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