
Do men and women respond differently to heat stress?

According to science, women feel the cold more than men. But how do women respond to heat stress compared with men? The answer to this question may help us to make better protective clothing for firefighters of both sexes.


As clocks spring forward, keep sleep on track

You may only worry about losing an hour of sleep when the clocks spring forward this Sunday, but the time change can also be dangerous for your health, an expert says.


Simulation shows how blood flows through the heart

The view inside a beating heart is one not seen—or even seeable—until now, according to Rice University mechanical engineer Tayfun Tezduyar, who says such visualizations can help clinicians understand the mechanisms that ...


Cardiovascular disease risk boosted by stress

The risk of cardiovascular disease rises with an increasing burden of perceived stress, financial problems and adverse life events, a major international study with University of Gothenburg researchers as main authors shows. ...

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