
Silencing chromosome 21

Cell biologist Jeanne Lawrence's revolutionary recent discovery of a gene that effectively turns off the chromosome responsible for Down syndrome set the scientific world abuzz. On Monday night at Northeastern, she described ...


Obesity and nutrition are keys to avoiding metabolic syndrome

Data reported by the Hearts Beat Back: The Heart of New Ulm Project reinforce the positive influence of lifestyle factors in mitigating risks that potentially increase the likelihood of heart disease and other health problems. ...


Device may help doctors diagnose lethal heart rhythm in womb

A promising technology may enable doctors to diagnose and possibly treat in utero a common cause of stillbirth and sudden death in infants, according to research published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation.


New research takes aim at heart's 'safe zone'

Sudden cardiac arrest is the leading cause of death in the industrialized world. However, it's not well understood and is challenging to both predict and effectively prevent, according to Alain Karma, Arts and Sciences Distinguished ...


Air pollution increases heart attacks

Air pollution increases heart attacks, according to research presented at the Acute Cardiac Care Congress 2013 by Dr Savina Nodari from Brescia, Italy. The Acute Cardiac Care Congress 2013 is the annual meeting of the Acute ...

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