
Fighting fires raises risk for irregular heartbeat

Fighting fires comes with many risks. But new research shows there's a new one to consider: increased exposure to fires appears to raise the likelihood of developing atrial fibrillation, or AFib, an irregular heartbeat that ...


Wireless pacemaker shows promise in early study

(HealthDay)—Scientists report positive results in early testing of a wireless pacemaker that's placed in the heart instead of being connected to it via wires from the upper chest.


Head off 'holiday heart syndrome'

(HealthDay)—Overindulging over the holidays can take a toll on the heart, according to experts at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.


Rivals prepare for legal battle over abortion bans

Rival legal teams, well-financed and highly motivated, are preparing for court battles over the coming months on laws enacted in Arkansas and North Dakota that would impose the toughest bans on abortion in the U.S.


Reduced levels of FKBP5 promote atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation (AFib) is the most common type of heart arrhythmia. This serious condition occurs when the heart beats so fast that the upper chambers of the heart quiver. This irregular heartbeat can lead to severe conditions, ...


Predicting arrhythmias so as to prevent them

Researchers have discovered how to predict some cardiac arrhythmias several steps before they even occur. It's a finding that could lead to an improved cardiac device, with equipment designed to detect when arrhythmias are ...


Clogged heart arteries can foreshadow stroke

Blockages in your heart arteries could mean you're more likely to have a stroke, even if you're considered low risk, according to research in the American Heart Association journal Stroke.

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