
Easy-to-use blood thinners likely to replace Coumadin

Within a few years, a new generation of easy-to-use blood-thinning drugs will likely replace Coumadin for patients with irregular heartbeats who are at risk for stroke, according to a journal article by Loyola University ...


Heart attack on a chip shows how heart changes after the event

Researchers at the University of Southern California Alfred E. Mann Department of Biomedical Engineering have developed a "heart attack on a chip," a device that could one day serve as a testbed to develop new heart drugs ...


Self-powered 'pacemaker for life' in pigs unveiled

Scientists on Tuesday unveiled a battery-free pacemaker that generates its energy from the heartbeats of pigs in what could pave the way for an "implant for life" in humans suffering from heart defects.

Psychology & Psychiatry

How our hearts distort our perception of time

A recent study by academics at Royal Holloway, published in Current Biology, shows how our heartbeats can lead to distortions in our perception of time.

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