Medical research

Disposable blood warmer helps transfusions

When blood is needed for major trauma outside of a medical facility, the risk of hypothermia increases when a patient is transfused bags of blood taken directly from chilled storage. Flinders University researchers, knowing ...


Autoimmune response drives vision loss in glaucoma

A research team from Massachusetts Eye and Ear and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has shown that immune cells in the eye that developed in response to early exposure to bacteria are a key contributor to progressive ...


Is it OK to run in heat of 30C or more?

Most of Britain is experiencing a heatwave, with temperatures reaching up to 32℃. The public health watchdog for England has issued an amber health warning, advising people to take care in the hotter weather. But what does ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Who sweats more: Men or women?

Sex differences in heat loss responses are dependent on body size and not sex, meaning that larger individuals sweat more than smaller ones during cycle exercise in warm and tolerable conditions. That's what research published ...


Debunking winter weather myths

(HealthDay)—A hot toddy may seem like a good way to stay toasty on a freezing day because it makes blood rush to your skin's surface. But drinking alcohol actually speeds heat loss, according to experts.

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