Medical research

Study finds important factor in fat storage and energy metabolism

As part of their ongoing research on the physiologic factors that contribute to the development of obesity, Joslin Diabetes Center scientists have identified a cell cycle transcriptional co-regulator – TRIP-Br2 – that ...

Medical research

Exercise in a pill may protect against extreme heat sensitivity

We've all seen the story in the news before. Whether it's the death of a physically fit high school athlete at football training camp in August, or of an elderly woman gardening in the middle of the day in July, heat stroke ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Soaking in hot tub improves health markers in obese women

According to new research, obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) may be able to improve their health outlook with a particularly enjoyable form of therapy: regular sessions in a hot tub.


Food processing linked to an increase in type 2 diabetes

Modern methods of food production and processing have contributed to a dramatic escalation of type 2 diabetes diagnoses in Australia and the associated financial cost is expected to double to more than $2 billion by 2025.


Extended sleep reduces pain sensitivity

A new study suggests that extending nightly sleep in mildly sleepy, healthy adults increases daytime alertness and reduces pain sensitivity.