
Pattern of heavy alcohol drinking may damage heart tissue

A pattern of harmful alcohol consumption, or heavy drinking, increases level of blood biomarkers indicating heart tissue damage, according to new research published today in the Journal of the American Heart Association, ...


Blood pressure drug could help problem drinkers

A drug used to treat high blood pressure may alleviate anxiety induced by long-term heavy alcohol use, and also halt the damage such drinking can cause to the brain's ability to grow new cells, QUT research shows.


Space and place in alcohol research

Every time someone drinks an alcoholic beverage, he or she will drink that beverage at some place and some time. Not surprisingly this means that the physical and social environments in which that drinking takes place will ...


Alcohol intake linked to dementia risk

Researchers in the US have revealed that alcohol intake in later life is linked with dementia risk. The findings are published today (Friday 27 September) in the journal JAMA.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Hard-drinking young adults suffer surge in deadly liver disease

A little over a year ago, Eric Dunham had the operation that saved his life: a double transplant to give him a new liver and a new kidney. Chronic, heavy drinking had destroyed his own organs. It also led to a condition called ...

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