Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Has Delta killed the herd immunity dream?

As the Delta variant continues its global surge, experts are questioning whether the long-held goal of achieving herd immunity from COVID-19 through vaccination is still viable.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

How the Delta variant is changing the U.S. forecast for COVID-19

(HealthDay)—COVID-19 vaccines are helping protect the unvaccinated as the new Delta strain surges across the United States, but experts say its high infectiousness could mean even more people need to take the jab to achieve ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

COVID-19 herd immunity is not going to happen, so what next?

Any notion that COVID-19 was going to last for just a few months was very much misplaced in 2020. Especially after it was recognized that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was largely spread through the airborne route, all indications ...


Delta a new challenge for herd immunity

New modelling from James Cook University scientists shows Australia needs to vaccinate at least 85 percent of the population to achieve herd immunity.


HPV vaccine has a significant impact even if not universal

Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines applied in national vaccination programs protect against most cancers associated with oncogenic, high-risk (hr) HPV types. Two recent studies demonstrate the impact of gender-neutral HPV ...

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