Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Study shows Spain far from having 'herd immunity' to virus

A second round of random testing in Spain for antibodies to the new coronavirus indicates that a third of those infected do not develop symptoms, Spanish health authorities said Thursday.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Paraguay confirms new foot-and-mouth outbreak

Major beef exporter Paraguay confirmed a new outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease Tuesday in the north of the country, four days after lifting a state of emergency imposed in the region in September.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Senegal's coronavirus success divides experts

Senegal has been widely praised for its handling of the coronavirus pandemic, with few infections and life returning to normal, but the reason behind its success still divides experts.


Chinese urgency on COVID-19 goes missing in jabs drive

Shirley Shi has received three offers to be vaccinated against COVID-19—through her hometown, her Beijing residential area and her office area—but the human resources manager is in no rush.

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