
OxyContin formula change has many abusers switching to heroin

A change in the formula of the frequently abused prescription painkiller OxyContin has many abusers switching to a drug that is potentially more dangerous, according to researchers at Washington University School of Medicine ...


Suboxone is most effective in treating painkiller addiction

Individuals addicted to prescription painkillers are more likely to succeed in treatment with the aid of the medication buprenorphine-naloxone (Suboxone), report McLean Hospital and Harvard Medical School researchers in today's ...


Addiction in paradise: Seychelles battles heroin crisis

On a plain suburban street in Seychelles, far from the idyllic coastline and luxury resorts pampering honeymooners and paradise-seekers, heroin addicts queue anxiously for their daily dose of methadone.


Surgical implications of rising heroin abuse

With heroin abuse on the rise in the United States, related surgical complications are also increasing, including severe infections and complications related to heroin injection. A firsthand perspective on how acute care ...


Legally high? Teenagers and prescription drug abuse

Legal drugs such as OxyContin now kill more people than heroin and cocaine combined. While awareness of the dangers of illegal drugs has increased, many teens are still ignorant of the significant physical danger posed by ...


US heroin addicts face barriers to treatment

As the ranks of heroin users rise in the U.S., increasing numbers of addicts are looking for help but are failing to find it—because there are no beds in packed facilities, treatment is hugely expensive and insurance companies ...


Studies explore potential origins of addiction and treaments

Studies released today suggest promising new treatments for nicotine and heroin addiction, and further our understanding of pathological gambling and heroin abuse in those suffering chronic pain. This new knowledge, released ...

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