
Spending on illicit drugs in US nears $150 billion annually

Spending on cannabis, cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine by Americans reached nearly $150 billion in 2016, with a large proportion of spending coming from the small share of people who use drugs on a daily or near-daily ...


What to call someone who uses heroin?

First-ever study to ask people who use heroin what they want to be called finds "people first" language often best, and language suggesting misuse or dependence generally worst.


Cannabis: Misinformation about CBD can be life-threatening

Hyperbole can be rampant in health news, particularly with respect to cannabis. One recent headline declared: "CBD is effective in treating heroin addiction." Another proclaimed: "New study finds CBD could curb heroin addiction."


Heroin overdose ED visits decreased from 2017 to 2018

(HealthDay)—From 2017 to 2018, there was a decrease in heroin overdose emergency department visits, although the declines were not consistent among states, according to a study published online May 16 in the American Journal ...


Surgical implications of rising heroin abuse

With heroin abuse on the rise in the United States, related surgical complications are also increasing, including severe infections and complications related to heroin injection. A firsthand perspective on how acute care ...

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