Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Thousands of deaths likely if COVID-19 'left to run' in Victoria

New modeling, developed by Burnet Institute, highlights the need to preserve public health measures as a key line of defense against COVID-19 even with high vaccination coverage. It estimates more than 4800 Victorians could ...


US increasingly unlikely to meet Biden's July 4 vax goal

For months, President Joe Biden has laid out goal after goal for taming the coronavirus pandemic and then exceeded his own benchmarks. Now, though, the U.S. is unlikely to meet his target to have 70% of Americans at least ...


Experts propose 'five Cs' to tackle vaccine hesitancy

The reluctance or refusal to accept COVID-19 vaccinations can be tackled by a five-pronged strategy to addressing the behavioral and socio-demographic factors behind vaccine hesitancy. Writing in the Journal of the Royal ...


Hong Kong could soon bin millions of unused vaccine doses

Hong Kong may soon have to throw away millions of coronavirus vaccine doses because they are approaching their expiry date and not enough people have signed up for the jabs, an official warned Tuesday.

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