Psychology & Psychiatry

Where couples meet matters more than when

That dependable conversation starter – "Tell us where the two of you first met" – can yield a surprising range of stories.


Cutting HIV in drug users can benefit others' AIDS mortality

(HealthDay)—Efforts to curb HIV transmission among people who inject drugs (PWID) and non-injecting drug users (NIDUs) may reduce AIDS and AIDS-related mortality among heterosexuals, according to a study published in the ...


LGBT youth face greater cancer risks

A new study led by City College of New York psychologist Margaret Rosario found that youths of same-sex orientation are more likely to engage in behaviors associated with cancer risk than heterosexuals. The peer-reviewed ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Couples, pay attention to your relationship work ethic

Is a date with your partner as important to you as a meeting at work? A University of Illinois study recommends that couples develop a relationship work ethic that rivals—or at least equals—their professional work ethic.


Health inequalities seen in gays and lesbians

Gay, lesbian and bisexual people face several health disparities relative to their heterosexual peers, finds a new study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Wives matter more when it comes to calming down marital conflicts

Marriage can be a battlefield. But a new study conducted at the University of California, Berkeley, has found that, when it comes to keeping the peace, it's more important for wives – than for husbands – to calm down ...

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