
Do low-carb diets damage the kidneys?

Low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets—like the Atkins diet—have been popular among dieters for years. For just as long, experts have worried that such diets might be harmful to the kidneys. A study appearing in an ...

Medical research

Making age reversal real

UNSW Professor David Sinclair has some complaints about the human lifespan. It's too short, for a start. Most of us live "only 30,000 days" according to the internationally renowned geneticist. What's worse, the last 5000 ...


Why won't people take their statins?

Cardiovascular disease—the thickening and hardening of arteries causing increased risk of strokes and heart attacks—is the No. 1 cause of death worldwide, according to the World Health Organization. High cholesterol is ...

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