Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Children with Cushing syndrome may have higher suicide risk

Children with Cushing syndrome may be at higher risk for suicide as well as for depression, anxiety and other mental health conditions long after their disease has been successfully treated, according to a study by researchers ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Stress during pregnancy related to infant gut microbiota

Women who experience stress during pregnancy are likely to have babies with a poor mix of intestinal microbiota and with a higher incidence of intestinal problems and allergic reactions. This could be related to psychological ...


Mutations drive unrestrained secretion

Benign tumors in the pituitary gland lead to uncontrolled secretion of the stress hormone cortisol by the cells of the adrenal cortex. An international research effort has now characterized a new mechanism that triggers the ...


ECO: stress in children impacts hormones, diet, adiposity

(HealthDay)—For children, stress is associated with poorer diet, which stimulates adiposity, according to a study presented at the annual European Congress on Obesity, held from May 28 to 31 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

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