Medical research

How the body uses fat to fight infection

New research from the University of East Anglia and Quadram Institute reveals how our immune cells use the body's fat stores to fight infection.


Novel lncRNA 'Caren' counteracts heart failure progression

A research collaboration based in Kumamoto University (Japan) has identified a novel lncRNA, Caren, that is abundantly expressed in cardiomyocytes. They showed that it enhances energy production by increasing the number of ...


Ultra-processed foods are breaking your heart

Ultra-processed foods account for 58% of total energy in the average U.S. diet, but diet is a modifiable risk factor in the prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD). A study published in the Journal of the American College ...

Medical research

Astrocytes derived from patients with bipolar disorder malfunction

Brain cells called astrocytes derived from the induced pluripotent stem cells of patients with bipolar disorder offer suboptimal support for neuronal activity. In a paper appearing March 4th in the journal Stem Cell Reports, ...

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